BHIVA (The British HIV Association) run an e-learning platform for student members, to test their understanding on a range of health subjects. The test modules followed a very basic, text heavy multiple choice formate. This platform shell would monitor progress, check the answers and award certificates. We were asked to make the test modules more engaging by improving the look and interactivity but still function within the existing platform.

We suggested a scenario based approach using actors and locations to tell a story between each test question. Working from a script written by health professionals we drew up some basic storyboards to be used as a guide on the photo shoot. We used HTML5 technics to sequence the frames, animate the content and track answers.

We suggested a scenario based approach using actors and locations to tell a story between each test question. Working from a script written by health professionals we drew up some basic storyboards to be used as a guide on the photo shoot. We used HTML5 technics to sequence the frames, animate the content and track answers.