Take Off In Travel

Every year Travel Weekly magazine produce a printed guide called Take Off In Travel, highlighting the numerous careers and opportunities inside the travel industry. Our task was to adapt the printed version into an online version, fully responsive, feature google ads and be in-house editable though WordPress.   



Following on from the ProbityCo – for Business website we also undertook the complete over-hall of the main ProbityCo website. Originally built in WIX the first job was to migrate and remap the extensive content and documents into a cleaner more intuitive site structure. The new website is now maintained and updated weekly through WordPress. Items like Articles, Videos and Documents are managed through a custom ‘Post type’ system.


Core Electrical

Sometimes you don’t have to look far for work, you just have to be observant. I noticed my neighbour had a web address on his business van but when I checked it out I discovered he didn’t actually have one. So being neighbourly, Vanishing Point offered to design, build and host a website to showcase CORE’S impressive work.


Strike Media – refresh

Strike Media recently celebrated its 15th anniversary and to mark the occasion decided to refresh their brand identity. We were asked to design and apply the new look to the current website, but we also included an animated logo and a stylish infographic outlining the full extent of the Strike Media experience.


Journey to Justice 3.0

We have had the pleasure of working with Journey to Justice since they started back in 2014. Their simple message has always been to encourage and inspire people to stand up for social justice, but moving with the times has been the key to its success. On the eve of their 10th anniversary we were given the chance to modernise the brand, streamline the website and upgrading Journey to Justice to 3.0.


Norah at the Cannes Film Festival

Norah sets another record by being the first Saudi film in history to be selected for the Cannes Film Festival and not only that, goes onto to win a “Special Mention” award. It was our pleasure to help produce all the press materials ranging from magazine covers to giant banners hung from hotel balconies. The EPK website was a rolling resource we supported prior, during and post festival.

Norah now moves to the next stage… Cinema release.

Norah Movie EPK

It was nice to go back to our film marketing roots during the build of this online EPK for the film, Norah. Set in Saudi Arabia in the 90s this deeply moving story is about two soulmates who find each other and discover the driving creative forces within themselves. 

Its the first feature film to be shot in its entirety in AlUla and was created by a wholly Saudi Arabian cast, crew directed by a Riyadh-born creative, Tawfik Alzaidi.


Wicked: Costume Vignettes

Its always good to get some variety into your workflow, so we were thrilled to be asked to work on some standee’s for the upcoming Wicked movie.

On a tight deadline we had to put together hi-res graphics to showcase the films costumes at CiniEurope. More often than not, you would have a style guide to work from, but without one being provided much of the artwork was created from scratch.

Large format re-touching can be quite a time consuming process, but we delivered on time and the standee’s looked great to the expo.

WIPO: IP Challenge

A fun and educational game on Intellectual Property developed for WIPO, aimed at children and young adults. Follow the stories of four culturally diverse characters as they learn and acquire Intellectual Property protection in a range of subjects covering music, fashion, filmmaking and science.



IP Challenge was also a big hit in other WIPO territories so we were asked to translate the game into Indonesian, Portuguese, Spanish and Vietnamese.

ProbityCo – For Business

This site provides information and documentation on how to withhold taxes from the government at such times when the government is in breach of domestic and international law. The brief was to make the site appealing to business owners and communicate the ProbityCo message as succinctly as possible.


Red Palm Pictures

Red Palm Pictures is a band new Film Production company based in Saudi Arabia. Vanishing Point was asked to design and build a contemporary website that would make an eye catching impact and attract creative talent from around the world. 


TwentyOne Entertainment

TwentyOne Entertainment distributes high-quality Arabic and international cinematic content in cinemas in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The logo features a child playing with a traditional playground toy so we took this forward into the look and feel of the site. The animation was our little touch. 


Siemens Energy: Transition Mission

How do you explain a complex problem but also allow people to experiment with solutions? You build a simulator.

Working very closely with a wonderful team at Siemens Energy we designed and developed a game that challenges players to reduce the carbon emissions from an existing energy eco-system. Using strategy to sequencing a variety of upgrades and technologies you can navigate your way through the energy transition process to eventually achieve net zero… but can you do it by 2050?


NZTC: Decarbonisation Calculator

Very cleaver people at Siemens Energy developed a mathematical algorithm to calculate the cost saving and CO2 output by using alternative fuels with existing Gas Turbines.

Vanishing Point was asked to build a user-friendly interface to allow manual adjustment of the parameters. The calculator style had to be in keeping with the host site (www.netzerotc.com) and integrate with WordPress through a short-code. Honestly… this smacked right in the middle of our wheel house.


Economic Injustice

Economic Injustice brings together stories of solidarity and the arts to encourage action for change. We are very proud to have been part of this JtoJ project initiative. We were involved right from the outset with the branding, ui design and technical requirements for the website.

The site organises many hours of video, categorised, meta tagged and cross referenced to help quickly find relevant stories by subject, location, campaign or keywords.


Safe Fostering

Safe Fostering is a website for foster carers and prospective foster carers to help find the right fostering organisation for them. It features a UK national directory, reviews, forums and membership subscription. Vanishing Point have really enjoyed working with the Directors in making their idea a reality.


Just Say No!

Continuing on from the work we did for PSOOL we were asked to brand, design and build a ‘Just Say No’ satirical website for aspiring Spy Cops. The site features video presentations highlighting why you should never embark on intimate, sexual relationships, irrespective of how exceptional the circumstances might be. Try the Just Say No quiz to test your own values and beliefs.



Phronesis Consultancy Ltd offers specialist expertise and professional advice within the higher education sector. We were asked to design and build a website to communicate the consultancy’s services and display an extensive array of publications authored by the company director, Martyn Percy.

In ancient Greek thought, phronesis was the discovery and application practical wisdom for particular situations, including prudence, reasonable and virtuous action, moral understanding, ethical reasoning, discernment and mindfulness.


Film Education – A user’s guide

In its original form, Film Education – A user’s guide was an online course (MOOC) available on a learning platform called FutureLearn. Our task was to restructure the course content into a website format, create a few bespoke interactive learning tasks and offer 3 language variations, German Estonian or Lithuanian. 


Siemens: Energy Farm


The success of Energy Island led to a second phase of the project. The concept was too ‘zoom in’ on the island and focus on the energy requirements of a specific business, in this case a farm. This meant we could develop a much more sophisticated simulation which mixed and matched different options to power the farm, but also factored in other elements such as weather conditions, the national grid, self sufficiency, running costs and your eco rating.


Journey to Justice 2.0

We built the original Journey to Justice website nearly five years ago and over time the charity has grown dramatically, as has its vision and direction. After the best part of a year (and much consultation) we have launched a new ‘shop front’ for JtoJ focusing on the key areas it now covers. The response has been overwhelmingly positive.

The Movie Partnership

The Movie Partnership work with Independent Distributors, Sales Agents, Producers and Financiers releasing over 3,500 films and 2,000 hours of television across 80 countries. We were briefed with building a site that not only showed their releases (trailers, synopsis, galleries), but also gave (password protected) access to downloadable assets. The site continues to grow, as additional features are being developed all the time.

Camaradarie Films

The brainchild of Suzie Halewood Cameraderie handles direct sales and film distribution. We were tasked with creating a simple, but none-the-less impactful site, that showcases the company and its most recent release Division 19.

Teaching Trailers 25th Anniversary Edition

Teaching Trailers has come a long way from when it first started back in1994, when a VHS was sent out to schools containing 10 trailers and a worksheet. This 25th anniversary edition is jam packed with all the latest trailers from the main UK distributors, anchored around curriculum based activities suitable for Primary and Secondary education.

Police Spies Out of Lives

We were proud to be asked to help this campaign organisation that supports the legal actions and participation in the Public inquiry into Undercover Policing. The original website although packed full of important information needed a more polished window to display the content.
We first came up with a new logo and colour palette then went about updating the site around that. We look forward to working again with the team later in the year so stay tuned for developments.

The Sevenoaks Animator

This website was built to showcase the fantastic skills of experienced motion graphics designer Dawn Donohoe. The b/w icon based interface gives off a sophisticated tone and an unexpected contract to the visually stimulating video content that really pops out once you access the clips.

Pump Clips and label design

One unsuspected turn, from the continued management of the Bristol Brewery School website was the production of marketing materials for the New Bristol Brewery. The most enjoyable part of which was the opportunity to design new beer bottle labels and pump clips all of which feature Alfred, Bristol’s famous Gorilla.

Journey To Justice: Interactive Map

Since we started working with Journey to Justice nearly 4 years ago, their travelling exhibition has covered the length and breath of the British Isles. So now with nearly 20 locations we thought the time was now right to produce an interactive map what would allow users to access information specific to each location, in a fun and engaging way.

Interactive 360’s

Teaming up with a professional car photographer Vanishing Point was asked to provide technical support and web deployment to present interactive 360 views of car interiors.

Car manufactures use the 360 views as part of their marketing materials via media sites or digital press-kits. You can see an example of a Mazda CX-5 or visit the ChromaCloud 360 portfolio website… which we also built btw.

WHO – Concise Guide


This website supports a much larger printed document commissioned by the World Health Org. This interactive version of the guide provides hyper-links and short-cuts to the 5 implementation phases plus a search feature to speed up information finding.

The Chroma Cloud

The Chroma Cloud is a bespoke subscription based application for managing and coordinating digital assets through a web portal. Designed to meet the needs of the fast passed automotive PR industry the platform provides an efficient way to receive, view and distribute assets to client media sites, online news depots and magazine agencies.
Vanishing Point maintains the running of the service, provides technical support and high-end image retouching. For more details check out this animated infomercial. (credit: The Sevenoaks Animator)

Curation Health

An infographic video explaining the business model for Curation Health. This platform is for industry experts to collate health facts and data from around the globe into a clear and simple tailored report for the subscriber to view.

HighSpeed 2 Educational App

This interactive quiz was designed to support a larger exhibition outlining the technical considerations involved in the building of the HighSpeed 2 rail link. The application was installed on a number of iPads located in the Education section for young teens to explore some basic engineering principles.

The Dreaded…GDPR

As with most digital agencies we have had to get on top of the new GDPR laws that have recently come into place. Working with our client base we went through all effected sites containing databases or forms and implemented the new regulations accordingly.

J K Minerva Branding

Nice little branding job for accountancy firm J K Minerva. Minerva is the greek goddess of wisdom and she is often accompanied by an owl, known as the ‘owl of Athena’ or ‘owl of Minerva’. The client loved the idea of the owl and so after several variations we arrived at the above logo.

Strike Media

Having created the original website for Strike Media back in 2014 it was now time for a smart new site for 2018. The brief was to move away from the (now slightly dated) Pinterest format to more of a boxed led design. The client was very happy with the results and the new site received some very nice feedback!

Conexus Law

We were tasked with initially creating the ‘look & feel’ for a newly formed IT Infrastructure Legal firm. After quite an extensive branding exercise we arrived at a logo ID that will have the flexibility to work across the various arms of the Conexus business.

Siemens: Energy Island

Working with Zinc communicate we have recently finished Siemens Energy Island. This engrossing project gives students the opportunity to power their own island. Using various forms of energy, they must supply enough electricity to run all the services for a 24 hour period. Various factors including cost, pollution and power levels make this a fantastic classroom exercise.

Bristol Brewery School


This rather unique and (as it turned out) hugely enjoyable project took Vanishing Point into the world of craft beer. New Bristol Brewery tasked us with carrying out a full branding exercise for their soon to open brewery school, the accompanying website and the course booking management system linked through Eventbrite.

Respect for Trademarks

Aimed at an older age group (14-19) Respect for Trademarks is a resource designed to support knowledge and understanding of intellectual property rights, and trademark laws in particular. Whilst needing to work as a sister site to RFC, this needed a more adult approach, where interviews and a few highly focused tasks replaced the more expansive nature of the previous site. These included a history of Trademarks timeline, a leaflet design task and an interactive logo maker.

SRHR & HIV Linkages Toolkit

With the World Health Organisation and IPPF we developed this simple-to-use online toolkit that pulled a huge body of work together in one place. The aim was to present these vast resources in a logical concise manner, making it incredibly easy to access specific information.

Tuning Fork productions

This is a neat little site we put together for the award-winning radio producer Sarah Peters. Her impressive career involves making documentaries for BBC Radio 4, podcasts for the Guardian, GPS-triggered apps for the Corporation of London and Battersea Power Station, to name but a few.

In Cinema

In Cinema is an educational resource based on the Film Distributors’ Association yearbook 2017. The website makes use of the fascinating facts and figures about what UK audiences viewing preferences, and we explore issues rising from those statistics.

Belief In Film

Belief in Film was a joint venture between UK Jewish Film and 3FF. Hosting a selection of films and interviews about faith, identity and belonging, the website is designed to encourage people from different backgrounds, cultures and belief to work together and engage in reflective conversations. The resource also features an interactive pin board task that looks at pre-conceptions and there is plenty of support work in the downloadable worksheets.

Respect for Copyright: Online resource

The Respect for Copyright educational website took its lead from the original printed material. The copy obviously needed to be updated and the challenge was to take print based activities and adapt them to work online. The result is a resource crammed full of interactivity, including spidergrams, venn diagrams and various types of drag and drop tasks.

SRHR & HIV Linkages Index

This exciting project proved to be one of Vanishing Point’s most memorable projects to date. The creation of a complex heat map provides the first ever composite score for measuring countries performance on SRH and HIV linkages. We have written a full case study, which you can

Journey to Justice: Touring exhibition

2016 has seen the continued growth of Journey to Justice, which Vanishing Point is proud to play a part in. A major part of the growth is the touring exhibition, which has travelled to Sheffield, Sunderland, Middlesborough & Tower Hamlets in the past six months and is currently taking bookings for cities across the UK throughout 2017 and into 2018. As well as handling all the website content VP produce all the printed publicity for these exhibitions.

Stigma Index UK

The StigmaSurveyUK is an online survey that aimed to identify whether people living with HIV in the UK experience HIV-related stigma and discrimination, and to describe how such stigma affects their daily lives.’
Following on from the successful National Survey carried out in 2015, the next phase of the site was to document the findings. Vanishing Point was involved in creating the report documents, downloadable from the website. (note: Since this post, the website has been updated for the 2017 Survey)


Vanishing Point together with The Film Space were proud to be asked by the FDA to put together a huge digital & print resource to celebrate the UK centenary of organised feature film releasing.
Introduced by Sir David Putnum, the resource falls into two parts. Firstly there is an interactive timeline that highlights key moments in cinematic and moving image history.
The second part features is a detailed examination of the process of Film Distribution. There are filmed interviews with industry experts, downloadable study notes and cutting edge interactive tasks such as the poster analysis tool and the trailer maker (all mobile and tablet friendly) to create a fully immersive experience for students.
The resource is also accompanied by an exclusive ‘Linking Film with Audiences’ infographic wall chart (also designed by Vanishing Point). Full case study to follow. https://thefilmspace.org/fda100/

Shakespeare on Film

Shakespeare On Film was a real labour of love for Vanishing Point Creative. We were given the keys to over 25 different resources spanning over as many years, tasked with pulling it all together under a new and modern brand accessible to all.
Ranging from study guides to documentaries featuring directors and actors such as Kenneth Branagh, Ian McKellen and Baz Luhrman the resources provide strategies and activities for enhancing student’s, aged 14 to 18, understanding of individual texts in filmic performance.
A real “one stop shop” that gives you everything you need to bring Shakespeare alive in the classroom. (Full case study to follow) https://www.thefilmspace.org/shakespeare-on-film/

Factsheet Generator

IPPF gather vast amounts of data from many countries regarding the sexual health of that nation. They produce yearly printable reports containing charts, diagrams and tables from the results. Vanishing Point was asked to build a web application that could accept uploaded spreadsheets and convert the raw numbers into dynamic sections of a report template and output a PDF ready for download.


Our friends over at flyfaction, a creative production company specialising in moving image asked us to create a new website for them. With a brief to make a fully responsive, easy to update site that showed their fantastic footage at its best, we set to work.

BHIVA CPD E-Learning

Following the success and positive feedback of the last BHIVA e-learning module, we were asked to develop another, this time with its focus on malignancy. This new, more detailed version featured diagrams, scans, x-rays and results to simulate a more realistic scenario.  

Respect for Copyright: Teaching Materials

Working with The Film Space, we were commissioned by WIPO (The World Intellectual Property Organisation) to produce a series of classroom teaching materials looking at Respect for Copyright. Aimed at 10 to 15 year olds these immersive study guides provide engaging and thought provoking discussions, tasks and scenarios. They also come with detailed notes to help the teacher work through each of the five sections.

Children's Traffic Club games


We were pleased to assist Ten Alps Communicate once again on their brand new Traffic Club for London programme. This very immersive website hosts games, stories and songs all designed to deliver vital road safety. Working with (some beautifully designed) supplied assets our role was to code two of the games compatible with desktop and mobile platforms. You can view those games here: Bouncing Bright | Travel Picks

John Ford Solicitors

We were briefed by John Ford to do a complete rebrand, which included a new website. As the firm has a focus on ensuring the rights and interests of the most vulnerable in society we felt it was important to show a warmth and friendliness which made it more accessible for the public to use, something seldom seen on the majority of solicitor sites. The result was a site that both the client and ourselves are very proud of. Here’s a few nice words from Associate Solicitor, Helen Gill “Fantastic! It looks really great and this is very exciting.  Thanks for all your work on this – really impressive and it’s great to know we have such a good website now!”

Hackney Roots nominated for Learning on Screen Award

Vanishing Point & UK Jewish Film have been nominated for best Educational Multimedia at this years Learning on Screen Awards. http://bufvc.ac.uk/events/learningonscreen/nominations-2015. The Hackney Roots project http://hackneyroots.ukjewishfilm.org is an innovative, intergenerational programme designed to promote knowledge, understanding and interest in Jewish life in East London.

Selma: Educational Resource

We are proud to have built this educational resource for the upcoming civil rights movie Selma. Working with our friends at THE FILM SPACE, we were fortunate enough to be supplied lots of film footage, which makes the site so rich in media.
Among the many tasks is an interactive timeline which traces the civil rights movement from 1954 to 1968.
The website is a perfect example of movie promotion working with education, giving the learner a truly immersive experience.

Media Circus Entertainment

Media Circus are an experiential agency based in the West End and famously known for securing sponsors for the Oxford Street and Regent Street Christmas lights. They have recently created a new division called Media Circus Entertainment that works specifically within the film industry.
Media Circus Entertainment needed their own website that would showcase an impressive portfolio of work and act as a sales tool for attracting new business. So after a useful meeting and an agreed cost we set about building a responsive, CMS site that made the most of their superb assets.

mediacircus2One unique aspect of the site is a detailed infographic showing off the companies great stats.

Teaching Trailers (Winter 2014/15)

We were asked by The FILM SPACE to give this very popular teaching resource a brand refresh and to update the video content. Video support was also improved to make it multi-platform compatible.
The Winter 2014/15 edition features 30 trailers for current and upcoming cinema releases with downloadable curriculum relevant activities for use in English, Media and Film Studies.

UK Stigma Index 2015

We work with a number of sexual health charities in the UK and two of the leading organisations conduct a national survey every year called The People Living with HIV Stigma Index. 

“The People Living with HIV Stigma Index provides a tool that measures and detects changing trends in relation to stigma and discrimination experienced by people living with HIV. It aims to address stigma relating to HIV while also advocating on the key barriers and issues perpetuating stigma – a key obstacle to HIV treatment, prevention, care and support.”

Vanishing Point designed and built a promotional website to encourage people living with HIV in the UK to take part in this very important survey.

Hackney Roots: Oral histories

We recently completed a quite unique app for UK Jewish Film. We were supplied with over twenty C90 cassettes by the Hackney museum featuring interviews with senior members of the East London Jewish community recorded over 10 years ago. The cassettes were digitised, cleaned up and used as the base of our oral history listening task.
This provides a fascinating opportunity for learners to immerse themselves in the Jewish history of East London hearing memories of bustling markets, family barmitzvahs and the fight against fascism.

Strike Media

As part of a complete rebrand, Strike Media approached us to handle the design & development of their new website and a pretty awesome idea for an interactive poster.
Starting with the site, Strike were keen to have something fresh & modern that worked in a similar way to Pinterest. A simple to use CMS was essential, as was a responsive design that looked great on mobile & tablet devices. Taking a poster Strike had commissioned by illustrator Edward Tuckwell as our starting point, we were able to come up with a successful look & feel that ticked all the boxes. http://strike-media.co.uk/
As well as the website we also handled the digital side of the Strike Media poster. This 80’s themed poster featured icons from popular movies of the decade with the tagline ‘I want answers’. When this was sent out to the industry the web link at the bottom of the poster would take them to our interactive version of the poster which would launch the movie trailers when you clicked on the icons.

Children's Traffic Club


Ten Alps Communicate were looking for a new steer to deliver their award winning road safety club content to reflect new changes in the digital landscape. We were asked to focus on the adaptation of current interactive stories and games into HTML 5. To make the content more engaging and interactive as well as being accessible for both desktop and tablet users. We delivered Ten Alps with three games & stories, that could be tested with children and parents. You can view that content here. http://www.vanishingpointcreative.com/dev/ctc/

BHIVA E-Learning Resource


BHIVA (The British HIV Association) run an e-learning platform for student members, to test their understanding on a range of health subjects. The test modules followed a very basic, text heavy multiple choice formate. This platform shell would monitor progress, check the answers and award certificates. We were asked to make the test modules more engaging by improving the look and interactivity but still function within the existing platform.
We suggested a scenario based approach using actors and locations to tell a story between each test question. Working from a script written by health professionals we drew up some basic storyboards to be used as a guide on the photo shoot. We used HTML5 technics to sequence the frames, animate the content and track answers.


DE-Branded defines itself as a ‘virtual furniture workshop’. It aims to give the customer direct control over designers and manufacturers when purchasing custom made or limited edition furniture pieces. Working with our friends over at Tonic Systems we were briefed to re-brand De-Branded (sorry couldn’t resist) and give the existing clunky site a much needed makeover.
The main challenge for the new site was to design a homepage that explained the concept as simply as possible; display the kind of ‘eye candy’ furniture shots you would associate with a hi-end furniture manufacturer & also retain some illustrative elements from the previous site. View the finished site here

The Artful Toddlers

artfultoddlersArtful Toddlers is the brainchild of Nina Girling & Alan Moore. An Arts & Craft themed animation series in pre-production. Its unique approach is a powerful educational tool aimed at the under 5s.
artfultoddlers2Challenged with coming up with the brand for Artful Toddlers, Vanishing Point took itself down to Hobby Craft, bought up half their stock of coloured felt and tissue paper and went about cutting and scanning till the logo started to take shape. As well as the branding we also put together a sales booklet which features character biogs, story outlines and the world of Arts & Craft. We think Artful Toddlers is a fantastic concept and hope to be involved with its success in the coming months and years.

Easel Film

We were briefed by Iain Ovenden of Easel film to create a brand and provide a cms based website. Starting with the logo we quickly realised that the A in easel provided a simple, but effective device for an icon. Moving onto the site design Iain wanted to get across the range of work he covers as well as his years of experience in camerawork. Having provided us with dozens of stills from his many jobs we went about designing the site. We found that by creating an animated collage of screens (‘Sliver’ style) for each section we could get across the broad range of work Iain and Easel film have produced over the years. Also by keeping the design simple and the colour palette fairly neutral you let the work stand out for itself. Overall easelfilm provides a good example of what can be produced with a relatively small budget on a fast turnaround – roughly three weeks for brief to completion.

Experience 12

Having previously known Chris from our days at Beatwax and being involved in their rebrand shortly before he left, we were chuffed when he approached us to look at creating the brand and online presence for his new company, Experience 12. We were in a fortunate position where Chris had a very clear idea of exactly what he wanted. We also knew that to meet Chris’s high standards we needed to pull out all the stops to produce a brand he could be proud of.

Starting with the logo, Experience 12 conjured up images of 1950s b-movies (Plan 9 From Outer Space/Area 51 etc) and seeing as Chris is so closely involved with film and loves film inspired art like mondo we quickly nailed how the logo should look.

Moving onto the site we knew it would be a challenge, as we couldn’t rely on any photography for phase one of the site. It needed to be purely typographical and relied heavily on illustrations. We found the best solution was to create typographic illustrated panels for the company manifesto (much like a traveling medicine man selling his Snake oil on the American frontier). This combined with various fonts and textures resulted in a rich display, that hopefully made the lack of photography a conceptual decision rather than one made through necessity. To conclude Experience 12 proves you can produce a good looking site from just a word file and a client with a keen eye on what he or she wants.

Integra Initiative

integraDuring 2012 we were asked to rebrand the integra initiative website with an emphasis on a easy to maintain content management system. As the project grew there was a need for integra to expand and develop the site this spring.

The new elements of the site include the SARO Project (which shows the expansion of research into Asia), adding the ten new countries involved in the project and creating a more sophisticated resource search facility.

The site has played a key part in the growth of the project and hopefully Vanishing Point will continue to work with IPPF as the project grows over the coming years.

UK Sexual Health Awards

sexualhealthawardsOn March 15th all of us that worked on positive?(Attitudes of & awareness to HIV) gathered at the Troxy in east London for the UK Sexual Health Awards. Positive? was nominated for The Pamela Sheridan young people’s sexual health service/project of the year. Unfortunately we didn’t win but it proved an enlightening (and intoxicating) evening.